Contact Us

Our team is happy to answer your questions about products, pricing, and partnerships.
We are not directly affiliated with the Census Bureau and so are not able to respond to inquiries about Census Jobs, Field Staff Recruitment, or general requests for Census information.

If you’re interested in applying for an enumerator position for the 2020 Census, please use the official U.S. Census Bureau job application here.

Thank you for your interest in CensusOutreach. We'll be in touch soon.
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Census Outreach is a project of CommunityConnect Labs that will help you use mobile messaging to deploy Census communications programs.

  • CommunityConnect Labs leverages mobile messaging to deploy solutions for local government and trusted messenger organizations to effectively conduct local outreach for the 2020 Census.
  • We have substantial experience working with local governments and service providers to provide information and services to hard-to-reach people.